The Continuous Leo Development (CLD) was adopted by a Resolution passed at the 2nd District 308 B2 Lions Convention in Kota Kinabalu on 29th April, 2000.
Be it resolved that a Leo Development Fund (Shall be part of the Lions District 308-B2 Lions Foundation Berhad) be set up to secure funds from individual Lions, Lioness, Leo, any organization/ club/ group or other individuals. They shall be recognized as undermentioned
Alpha Leo Fellow for a contribution of RM500.00
Omega Leo Fellow for a contribution of RM1000.00
Omega Golden Fellow for every contribution of RM5000.00
The Leo Development Fund shall be managed in trust by a Leo Club Committee known as Continuous Leo Development (CLD) Board. The CLD Board shall consist of a chairman and two (2) board members who shall together be elected at the convention to hold officer for a period of three (3) years.
The above elected chairman and two (2) board members must qualify themselves by serving as a District Governor in the past. They shall be authorized to appoint a total of not more than seven (7) senior Lions of good standing. The appointment shall consist of :-
One (1) Past District Governor who must be a current member of the District Foundation Berhad.
The current District Governor, Cabinet Treasurer and the District Chairman for Leo Clubs and
Any other senior Lions up to the maximum of three (3) to be decided by the board consisting of the elected chairman, together with the other board members as mentioned in the above.
The CLD Board shall be empowered to carry out the following:-
To use the Leo Development Fund solely for this purpose of the Continuous Leo Development Program which includes training, education and other purposes which are deemed fit for upgrading the standard of the Leo Programme.
To convene a minimum of three (3) Board meetings in a fiscal year.
To maintain and update a register for the Leos in the District.
All members of the Board except for the elected Chairman and Two (2) Elected members shall retire at the next District Convention.
The above resolution was the unanimously adopted by the convention delegates, with the following elected CLD Board for a period of three years.
Dato' Dr. Foo Wan Kien as Chairman
PCC Ong Tat Lien - BOD
PDG Allan Cheah - BOD
As of 30th June 2021, there is a total of 8,700 Leos that is recorded with 6,890 Alpha Leos and 1,810 Omega Leos.
The CLD Record Centre serve as an educational storehouse, ready for use by the Lions and Leos in our District 308 B2. The Centre also provide comprehensive materials to train :
1) Leo Key Officers
2) Leo Advisors
3) Faculty Advisors
The Centre keeps a proper records of Leo Activities and CLD Leo participants. We as CLD Working Committee are continuously providing additional materials, updates and maintain the syllabus for the Leo education program. The Committee also trains and appoint CLD Speakers to carry out talks and seminars. The Implementation of this program is carried out by District Chairperson for Leo Development and the respective Regional District Chairperson.